On behalf of myself, my green industry colleagues, and most importantly to assist the TFS and other applicable public agencies in their service to Texans who would like further details on oak wilt – I have begun an ongoing campaign of public information requests (PIRs) in order to disseminate the information received via numerous means (website, youtube, presentations, emails, etc.).
I hope that not only for the public, the industry but also for the state agencies this PIR campaign is a learning experience and opportunity to fulfill the agency’s “Compact with Texans” in a manner of humility, honesty, and admitting faults as well as making restitution as appropriate. PIRs/Open Record Requests/FOIAs (Freedom of Information Act) are a foundational tool and expression of our First Amendment rights and when applicable an integral means of the pursuit of seeking redress from our government and its agencies (local, state, or federal).
I encourage the reader to suggest to me further PIR requests to consider asking for or if the reader has made some previously that they would like me to post – please feel free to contact me. I will present the PIRs within a theme-topic approach as opposed to a chronological approach.
Table of Contents
PIR's Regarding White Oaks & Oak Wilt

This is the final response regarding the above PIR

PIR's Regarding Trenching

Open Records Request: D000010-010220

PIR's Regarding Herbicide Use

Since I was a young boy, family vacation time meant visiting one or various of our Texas state parks. The TPWD staff was then and are now my heroes for fighting to preserve and care for our beautiful state. Their efforts here with this experimental endeavor - whether a complete success or just a means toward that end, represents the continued devotion and fight of this agency to their mission. Thank you to all other agencies who cooperated with them!

Videos.zip (One video provided above)
PIR's Regarding The Texas Oak Wilt Suppression Project (TOWSP)

Oak Wilt Maps
Open Records Request: #D001322-062820

Original Request
Red Oak Removal Cost Share Program
2019 Request

These are the only two cost shares performed by TFS for red oak removal in 2019:
2020 Request

These are the only cost shares performed by TFS for red oak removal in 2020:
2021 Requests

2022 Requests